How A 5 Day Body Detox Plan Can Be Very Effective

Every day in our lives we are around pollution,chemicals and other toxic materials and it is very hard not to get away from this. For example at work you may be around people who smoke, around cleaning materials or even air pollution from cars and buildings which you can be really sensitive to if you don’t have a regular 5 Day Body Detox.

Its for that reason that a 5 day detox is perfect for your body on a regular basis which will help you start feeling a lot better and not so sluggish.Our bodies are quite good at self cleansing but when we get an overload of toxic material, there is an overload and this is when our bodies need a little help.

When going on a 5 day body detox plan it is important for you to know that certain foods should be avoided when going on this detox.It is best to stay on a diet of fresh leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits.Also try not to eat any meat while on this detox as meat usually takes a few days to digest.This will allow your body to cleanse more efficiently and take of the load of the toxins that are in your body.

5 Day Body Detox
5 Day Body Detox

While on any Detox Plan it is essential you drink plenty of filtered water, which will also help your body by flushing out the toxins out of your body through sweat and urine much faster. This way you will not feel much die off effects when on a detox.

It may feel at times that you are not eating much but this will greatly help your body especially your digestive system and importantly the detox is only for a short period of time usually around 5-6 days.Many people find that doing a 5 day detox plan four times a year is a great way to de-stress your body and start having more energy for your busy lifestyle.

You may want to consult your family doctor or nutritionist if you have never been on any 5 day body detox before and find out what kind of detox plan is best for you.

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One comment

  1. Thank you so much for this article. I have been searching for a ‘natural’ way to detox and cleanse my body for a long time. I am just beginning to change my eating habits and including tea in my diet instead of coffee. I have begun the process of drinking teas that heal the throat because I sing in my church choir. It has worked wonders for my pitch and range! Keep writing on healthy ways to keep our bodies in good health!

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