Colon Cleansing Tea : Cleanse The Body Naturally

If you don’t like the idea of going on a long course of detoxification of your body, a Colon Cleansing Tea is a great way to cleanse your body. Depending on how much waste that has built up in your colon, detox teas are usually taken for up to 5 day.

A colon cleansing  tea are usually herbs that are brewed. Particular herbs are chosen which have cleansing properties in them. Below I will list some herbs that will help target particular areas of the body.

It is important to remove these stored toxins that are in your liver,kidneys, lungs and also your skin which will help these organs function much better.

By visiting your local health food store you will find most of the herbal ingredients that you will need to make your detox tea. You may also find already made teas, make sure you check the ingredients before buying to see if it contains all natural compounds. For more information on how to remove toxins more efficiently  read my post on how to cleanse your whole body.

Colon Cleansing TeaFinding herbs which are blood purifiers such as red clover and sarsaparilla root will not only purify the blood but also promote circulation to all major organs of the body.

If you are looking to cleanse your liver , gall bladder and spleen you may want to try taking dandelion root and milk thistle which are great at removing toxins from these organs.

Cleansing your lungs is also important especially if you have allergies.By taking fenugreek tea, this will help remove these harmful toxins from the lungs.

Also hibiscus flowers are great for your digestive system and to strengthen your immune system, try taking licorice root, this herb will also help get rid of nicotine in the body if you are trying to quit smoking.

To help minimize the amount of toxins that enters your body you will need to make some changes to your diet, this includes eating all fresh foods that are natural and organic as possible. Do not eat any packaged food as these items can be quite damaging and toxic to your body. It is also important to ensure that you get enough vitamins and minerals through your diet and to take a multi -vitamin supplement every day. Reducing your stress is also vital in staying healthy as well. To reduce stress you can do some meditation, yoga or do some breathing exercises.

If you prefer to make your own colon cleansing tea at home here is a recipe you may want to try.Make a whole days supply every morning, which will save you time. Boil 8 cups of water and get ready half a tablespoon of whole coriander,half tablespoon of whole fennel and also quarter tablespoon of whole cumin.

Once you have all the herbs put it in a tea infuser and place it in the boiled water. Make sure the water is off the heat.Leave it in the boiled water for at least 20 minutes and also make sure the mixture is covered with a lid. You can then pore the tea in a jug and drink it hot or cold through out the day.

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